Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thoughts on "...Know Your Mentor" and "Opportunity..." podcast

   I think that both the podcast and the "...Know Your Mentor" worksheet held the keys to success in the workplace. All of the tips were very well thought out and important in making it in the real world and surviving. In my experience with meeting future employers/bosses/mentors, the first impression makes all the difference. The worksheet listed some possible questions to be able to answer when first meeting someone. This is very important as being able to counteract confidently when first meeting someone leaves them with a solid impression of yourself.

   The podcast makes a good point on dressing nicely the first time you meet with your mentor. When someone sees that you made the effort and were conscientious enough to dress up for their job, they can already see that you're serious about whatever task you want to partake in. I've found that another biggie is to be the best listener possible. The podcast calls it "twenty percent talking and eighty percent listening". By listening intently to your mentor, you might learn something new, and you let them know that what they have to say is more important that what you have to say. Being new to a workplace means that you're a subordinate, and by accepting this and assuming the role, you will earn the respect of your higher up and a permanent position in the workplace.

    Overall, it's important to just go into a mentorship with lots of enthusiasm and energy. It takes stress off of your mentor when they see that they don't have to babysit and entertain you, and that you willingly accept any project they give you. If you can do the above things proficiently, then the mentorship will be an enjoyable, rewarding experience!
