Friday, September 9, 2011

Mentorship And My Future

            As I head into my mentorship at Gainesville Surgery Center, there are a few goals that I have set for myself to get the most out of this experience. I want to obtain a deeper understanding of what goes on behind the scenes in a medical facility, grasp the concepts of different surgeries and medicines more thoroughly, and learn how to work efficiently in such an environment. My plan to achieve these goals is to go in each day with a curiosity for something new and ask lots of questions. As of right now I’m trying to find exactly what I want to do as a career, and this mentorship is a great way of discovering what I don’t want to do, but more importantly, open the doors to what I do want to do. This mentorship will do what a high school classroom can’t, which is let me actually experience rather than imagine. If I can achieve the above goals in the time that I’m at GSC, I think that I will be able to narrow down my career path a tremendous amount and free myself from the thought of “what if I never know what I want to do?” If I can do this, then the mentorship will have been very successful in my eyes, and have a big impact on my future.

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