Sunday, November 13, 2011

Essential Questioon

Essential Question

How has modern technology sculpted the operating room, and how will I implement it into my life in the future?

Q: Why did you select this as your essential question? As I have experienced different procedures at GSC this year, the thing that has caught my eye in each was the “super-fancy” machinery that has assisted each doctor. It’s easy to take advances in medicines for granted, and these robotic-life savers deserve credit. It’s scary to imagine a life void of the technology that allows my body to be cut into without much pain and effort on my end. Technology is always advancing and moving forward at a rapid pace, especially in the medical field, and I’m interested in what health professionals have in store for us.

Q: What excites you most about finding the answer to this essential question? The introduction of new surgical devices compares much to the anticipation of the next iPhone or virtual game system. I know over the course of my life that my body will experience much physical harm, and it’s exciting to imagine a day where breaking a leg is as painless to fix as slapping a band-aid on a cut. I look forward to seeing the ideas that people have dreamed for a much more efficient and safe future in healthcare. I’m also hoping to formulate my own ideas for a product that could change our future dramatically, whether I could realistically make it or not. The future is an exciting, and these advances are some of the reasons why.

Q: Do you feel that this question accurately reflects a desire/need that you have to find out more about this topic? As I stated, healthcare technology is constantly and upgrading. Researching all that there is in the world of health is a never ending process that will consistently lead me to new technology that will fry my thinking mind. I’m very interested in learning of the history of technology in the operating room. It will be interesting as to how it will affect my life, whether I’m the one using the power saw or the one being mutilated by the power saw. When I’m an old man, will I have my own robotic assistant to help me each day? Will doctor’s offices be outdated, and everything be available from the comfort of our homes? These are questions I hope to answer, and hope will lead me to the answer of my own essential question.

1 comment:

  1. I like the direction you are going with the EQ-can you reframe it using Bloom's verbs in the wording? Maybe, How Can I predict the technology to be used in operating rooms in the future? We encourage students to select words such as, predict, assess, compare and contrast, evaluate, etc,
