Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thoughts on What's Broken in our Society

I really enjoyed Seth Godin’s take on “broken” things because I can relate to his experiences of seeing something and saying “WHAT?” Personally, I’ve always questioned the placement of certain Braille characters, especially in places where I highly doubt a blind person would be. One time I even saw Braille on a sign marking a janitor’s closet.Yeah, a blind janitor would make sense. Another thing that makes little sense to me is the use of the yellow “Caution: Wet Floor” signs. Assuming that the slippery part of the floor extends farther than the sign, using more than one of those things practically turns the area into a minefield. All I see are the little yellow signs, and I have to tiptoe around them, hoping I don’t slip up.
            When it comes to modern day education, almost the entire thing seems broken to me. How many times have I been taught something and thought to myself, “Self, when am I ever going to use this?” I’m an advocate of narrowing down career choices at an earlier stage. Why do we consistently waste time learning stuff that may never pertain to us? I do understand certain aspects of learning seemingly random stuff, but I also often wonder how much time I’m wasting. I also think school is broken in the way that it has become unappealing by its redundancy. I feel that there are other ways to approach education besides the boring mess that it is now. I don’t think that school should be something that anyone should dread. More interaction and different classroom settings are things that would extend the already short attention span of the average teenager. While I am a proponent of “not fixin’ it if it ain’t broke”, school is something that should be constantly changed for the betterment of its pupils. Why settle for anything less?    


  1. Hooray!! Well said! I so agree with you about the Braille 'stuff'-sometimes its absurd where you'll find the signs made in Braille.

  2. You need to subscribe and follow Seth Godin's blogs and newsletters. He has written MANY books and is probably one of the world's most recognized marketing expert.
