Sunday, March 25, 2012

Press Release

Local Student Gets Experience of a Lifetime at Local Outpatient Center
Gainesville Surgery Center            Grey Schuebert, a seventeen-year-old junior at North Hall High School, has always been interested in life after high school, and what kind of career he would take up. After considering a medical-route, he was given the chance to mentor at the Gainesville Surgery Center (part of Surgical Care Affiliates) with Andy Whitener and some of the local doctors that practice there. This is a fantastic opportunity that has allowed Grey to experience the setting of the operating room and learn about what it takes to become a medical professional.
            Andy Whitener, Grey’s mentor, is the office administrator at GSC. He has a Business Administration degree from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and works hard to keep everything at the center running smoothly. He also acts as a scrub tech in the O.R. on days when the staff is short. When it comes to helping Grey fulfill his desires in exploring the world of medicine, he has been beyond helpful in getting Grey into the Operating Room. Grey has sat in with over 5 different surgeons, and helped care for patients and sanitation in post-op, all due to Mr. Whitener. Grey has learned a lot about proper O.R. etiquette, as well as the time, energy, and responsibility that goes into being a surgeon, CRNA, RN, or anyone else who tends to people’s health on a daily basis. He has also witnessed things that many people only get from watching the Discovery Channel, and he does not take such an opportunity for granted.
            Over the year, Grey has not only learned from Mr. Whitener and the doctors at the Surgery Center (Dr. Cisco and Dr. Ferran to name a few), but has developed a friendship with Andy and the others who help to operate GSC. He has had a lot of previously unanswered questions about the medical field answered, and he has decided to continue his research into becoming a healthcare professional. As someone who loves to meet and help a variety of people, the path that is currently open for Grey to pursue seems a good choice, and the opportunity is all thanks to Andy Whitener and all those that have helped Grey along the way this year.  

1 comment:

  1. I think you have had a great experience-and mainly because you are open to learning!
