Monday, March 19, 2012

Thoughts on Provocateurs

When I think of Provocateurs, which in my opinion is a glorified term for a strong leader, my mind immediately travels back in time to the men of the 18th century. Colonial America yielded men with a passion for good change in far greater numbers than can be imagined today. Our Founding Fathers and the men who assisted them didn’t take no for an answer, and literally fought to the death to bring about the change they wanted to see in their country, i.e. the fall of English tyranny in the U.S.
A man a largely admire is the Father of America himself, George Washington. As a child, he had a developed a passion for the unexplored Western part of America, and for military arts. He pursued his dream of a free America with character, integrity, and perseverance unmatched by most men like him in the day. His list of accomplishments is virtually endless, from the defeat of Cornwallis at Yorktown to all but secure the revolutionary war for the patriots, to manning the helm of the first presidential job in a country just learning how to stand on her own. Washington, at some point in time, displayed every trait that defines a Provocateur. What I can learn from Washington and the men of his time is a lesson that always holds true. It is easier to stand up for something when you are passionate about it. I need to always have something that I can devote attention to and care about, so through uncertain and dangerous times I can have to mental strength to carry on. 

1 comment:

  1. Well said. You express yourself very well thought the written word.
