Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Year/New Word


Open is my word of the year simply because it highlights one of my biggest fears: failure. This year I will yearn to be open to new ideas and projects, and to escape my “norm”. I will be open to others; to be someone they can relate to and get along with. I will open the doors that provide the risk of trying something new, even if it means failure along the way. 


  1. Excellent choice for a theme to live by - open to possibilties!!!!
    It takes courage to be 'open' The spiritual life might be defined as the development of personality in the realm of faith and grace. Rather than living a routine existence in mere conformity with the crowd,the real Grey-and allow yourself to call forth the living image of Christ within you.

  2. Open is a great word! I think it is natural to be afraid of failure but it is also a part of life. I do believe you have to be open to trying new things. I have a fear of heights but my family went on a mini vacation to Tennessee over New Years and I made myself try all sorts of new things. I went indoor sky diving! It was scary at first but I ended up loving it! It was like nothing I ever experienced before. I also went on a ropes course, a 360 degree bike, and climbed a rock wall. All of it was very exciting and I would do it all again!
