Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Struggling With Lies and Envy

Envy. One of the most widespread and rampant sins in the bible, and to this day a sin that everyone struggles with. While envy is far from what we as humans should feel, Ms. Rubin was correct is pointing out that the emotion can lead us to discover important truths about ourselves. An example I have is my on and off envy of my friends’ parents who don’t ride and pester them so much about school, but I have discovered that I would be much lower on the academic totem pole if it wasn’t for that persistence. When it comes to lying, I’m guilty of absent-mindedly telling half-truths to my parents about various things, and it’s made me realize that the trouble that comes after doing such would be much easier to avoid if I had just told the truth. Even if a self-evaluation is tough to do, like above, it definitely opens your eyes to a side of your own personality that you would never know normally.   

1 comment:

  1. This is so deep! I think everyone tells little white lies to their parents, though!
