Sunday, January 29, 2012


I have already blogged about traits in humans, and some of the harder emotions we have to grasp to live a better life. As Americans, in a country already blessed way beyond anything we deserve, empathy is a tough emotion/feeling to conquer. I firmly believe that the more you acquire for yourself, the less you care what anyone else gets. I also believe that anyone can be taught to empathize for others, but some grasp the concept with more ease. One of my main influences for how to live a Christ-like life and a great example of someone who “gets it” when it comes to empathy is my pastor Bill Coates. He is constantly giving back to the community, whether local or global, by giving his time and physical ability to those who need help to get by. I have learned a lot by just spectating on his everyday life.         
            The past few years of my own life have involved an implementing of a family budget, and a cutback on things like birthday and Christmas gifts. At first I was bothered by this change in events because it slightly deterred my expected routine. I was later swept aside with a wave of shame, because I realized how silly and selfish I sounded. Kids my age starve everyday, and I’m feeling this way? That’s how I came to value not only my life more, but the lives of others. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I have a friend who will talk very badly about some of the less fortunate at our school, and it drives me nuts because of his bigotry and lack of conscience. It’s hard to do as Jesus said and love and serve others when all you care for is your well-being. It’s an everyday battle to get over yourself and see the big picture of humanity, but it’s one of the few battles where everyone wins when all is said and done.    

1 comment:

  1. I respect your honest transparency! Yes, Bill Coates is the 'real deal' and someone who is the hands of Christ on Earth.
